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Lowry Lois

Reading Guide - Number the stars


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Résumé Number the stars (de Loïs Lowry) :
As the German troops begin their campaign to "relocate" all the Jews of Denmark, Annemarie Johansen's family takes in Annemarie's best friend, Ellen Rosen, and conceals her as part of the family.
Through the eyes of ten-year-old Annemarie, we watch as the Danish Resistance smuggles almost the entire Jewish population of Denmark, nearly seven thousand people, across the sea to Sweden. The heroism of an entire nation reminds us that there was pride and human decency in the world even during a time of terror and war.

Peut être mis en lien avec le programme d'histoire-géographie 3e + Parcours citoyen Auteur(s) : Lowry Lois

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